Flu and other Vaccinations are available. Call us to make arrangement.
Contact Pharmacie Seine for Your Prescription Needs in Sainte-Anne
Conveniently Located in the Centre Medical Seine Building
Pharmacie Seine would love to hear from you! If you have a prescription you’d like us to fill for pick-up, please contact us by either giving us a call or by filling out the form below at your convenience. One of our courteous, knowledgeable staff members will return your inquiry as soon as possible, usually within one business day. Conveniently located in the Centre Medical Seine building, our wheelchair-accessible pharmacy is easily accessible via car and features street parking.
Get in Touch
Most Drug Plans Honoured, including:
- Manitoba Blue Cross®
- Telus
- Rx Plus
- Green Shield Canada
- ESI Canada
- Esorse Corporation
- Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
- Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
- Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB)
- Manitoba Public Insurance
English | French
Methods of Payment

Come See Us
Pharmacie Seine
142 Centrale Ave.
Sainte-Anne, MB R5H 1C3
Telephone: 204-422-8226
Email: info@pharmacieseine.ca
Our Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 9AM - 12PM, 1PM - 6PM
Saturday: 9AM - 12PM
Closed Sundays
Our Service Area Includes:
- Sainte-Anne
- La Broquerie
- Anola
- Marchand
- Hadashville
- Steinbach
- Mitchell
- Lorette
- Blumenort
- Landmark
- Giroux
- Niverville
- Ile-des-Chenes
- Richer
- Falcon Lake